FotobusBus Transport

Odessa region, Ikarus 260.51 # 033-07 ОА

  Odessa regionTechnogem 033-07 ОА2005  
PJSK "Sever Trans"211602.2004 170
2411103-94 ОВ200001.2004170, 190
Technogem 01.1998  
  EstoniaHarjumaa Liinid AS321441 AGZ02.199501.1998 
0383 ЕАС12.199102.1995 
Mootor RAS332101.199012.1991 
Tallinna Autobussikoondis AS (Ülemiste filiaal)02.198901.1990 

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216 KB

Odessa region, Белгород-Днестровский, Измаильская улица
Route 22, Белгород-Днестровский — Маразлиевка

Saturday, July 1, 2006
Author: ariss_ka

225 KB

Odessa region, Белгород-Днестровский, Измаильская улица
Route 22, Белгород-Днестровский — Маразлиевка

Saturday, July 1, 2006
Author: ariss_ka

  2005    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  January 2004 — February 2004    Renumbered (within the company)

  2000    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  January 1998    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  February 1995    Change of state number (within the company)

  December 1991    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  January 1990    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  February 1989    Arrived at the facility

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