FotobusBus Transport

Romania, TEMSA MD9 ElectriCITY # 468

  RomaniaS.C. Compania de Transport Public Arad S.A.468AR 28 CTP2022

  2022    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
468 Karosa ŠM11 CTP Cluj-Napoca
468 ZiL-158V STB (general) 1966
468 Ikarus-Zemun IK-4 STB (general) 1980
468 IS 07 UWA Van Hool A500 CTP Iaşi 23448 1992
468 А 5156 КР Van Hool A500 CTP Iaşi 23448 1992
468 DJ 09 CVC BredaMenarinibus M221 RAT Craiova 1997
468 CJ 12 XAI Renault Agora L CTP Cluj-Napoca 213 1999