FotobusBus Transport

Spain, Irisbus Crossway LE 12.8M # 1567

  SpainEmpresa Plana S.L.15677794 HCH03.2023
Arriva Madrid58103.201101.2023

  January 2023 — March 2023    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  March 2011    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
581 3457 FFP Noge Touring Star 3.45/12 Arriva Galicia
1567 M 7528 FX Castrosua EMT Madrid 1984
581 M 9478 GJ Castrosua EMT Madrid 1985
581 M 8900 OY Castrosua CS.40 Martin 1993
581 M 8502 UJ Castrosua CS.40 City 12 Plana 1997 на линии не работал
1567 L 6766 AD Hispano VÖV II Alsina 1998
1567 S 0229 AN Sunsundegui Stylo IGL 1999
1567 S 0229 AN Sunsundegui Stylo ALSA 1999
581 5158 CLH Carsa CS.40 City II Guaguas 2003
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581 6098 FPN Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro Molla 111385 2006
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581 7957 GDL UNVI Vega Transunion 2008
1567 3865 HNS Castrosua Magnus.E+ 15M Global 2013
581 0605 HZG MAN A47 Lion's City M NL293-10,5 TUSGSAL 225 2014
581 7573 JDM Castrosua Stellae 13 Ultramar 2015
581 2343 JWR Irizar i6S 10,78-3,5 AISA 2016
581 9996 KMN Mercedes-Benz Citaro C2 G NGT EMT Madrid 135146 2018
581 7920 KNZ Sunsundegui SC5 13M Comes 2018
1567 7569 LBW MAN A21 Lion's City NL313 CNG (Burillo) TMB H038 2019
581 7769 LGG IVECO Urbanway 12M CNG EMT Palma 11028 2019
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