FotobusBus Transport

Omsk region, GAZ-322121 (X96) # О 982 МУ 55

  Omsk regionCulture busesО 982 МУ 5501.2020 ЦБ по Обслуживанию Учреждений Культуры
School buses of the Omsk12.200801.2020Пикетинская СОШ

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Omsk region,  GAZ-322130 (XTH, X96)  # Н 225 ВА 55
Omsk region,  GAZ-322121 (X96)  # О 829 МК 55
Omsk region,  GAZ-322130 (XTH, X96)  # Т 349 УХ 55
Omsk regionMiscellaneous photos

Omsk region, Омск, улица Бударина

Saturday, June 3, 2023
Author: Maksimus

  January 2020    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  December 2008    Arrived at the facility

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