FotobusBus Transport

Habarovskiy kray, KAvZ-3270 # 229

  Habarovskiy krayMUP "PATP-1"2297173 ХБМ02.198504.1988передан

  April 1988    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  February 1985    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
229 46-65 ХБГ ZiL-158V KPATP-1 1966
229 43-42 ХБР LiAZ-677 KPATP-1 38467 1975
229 06-61 ХБН LiAZ-677 KPATP-1 38467 1975
229 17-62 ХБУ LiAZ-677 KPATP-1 100302 1981
229 6042 ХБН LiAZ-677M KhPATP №1 (Khabarovsk) 146925 1986
229 2160 ХБП LAZ-695N KPATP-1 131115 1988
229 КА 280 27 Daewoo BS106 Royal City (Busan) KPATP-1 12183 1999