FotobusBus Transport

Switzerland, Hess APM 5.6-13 # 503

  SwitzerlandZugerland Verkehrsbetriebe503ZG 845032012

  2012    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
503 ZH 608503 Mercedes-Benz O405GN VBZ Zürich 67927 1992
503 VD 1094 Neoplan N4026/3 TL Lausanne 26992 1998
503 SG 250503 Neoplan N4026/3 Casutt 27203 1999 Die Post
503 ZH 956503 MAN 18C Lion's City 18 E NG734 VBZ Zürich 3420 10.2021
503 LU 15023 Mercedes-Benz eCitaro G VBL Luzern 2023