FotobusBus Transport

Rostov region, Scania CN113ALB # 705

  Rostov regionRMPATP-5705М 812 МЕ 6112.2002 
  SwedenBusslink i Sverige AB6544OYU 20901.200011.2002
Näckrosbuss AB11.199401.2000
Norrköping-Linköping Trafik AB636501.199211.1994
Norrköpings Lokaltrafik AB06.198901.1992

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Rostov region, Ростов-на-Дону, проспект Стачки
Route 71

Author: Express_161

  November 2002 — December 2002    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  January 2000    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  November 1994    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  January 1992    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  June 1989    Arrived at the facility

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