FotobusBus Transport

Krasnodar region, GAZ-3221 (all) # 619

  Krasnodar regionBuses of closed & converted depots, Sochi619О 424 СА 23ПАТП №4


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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
619 А 241 АА 123 LiAZ-5256.35 KrAvt 15453 2006 Арендный (Краснодар)
619 Н 201 АХ 123 LiAZ-5256.35 KTTU, TD2 16105 2006
619 Х 095 АО 93 LiAZ-5256.35 KrAvt 15453 2006 Арендный (Краснодар)
619 В 121 СР 93 Hyundai County LWB C11 (TagAZ) KTTU, TD2 4341 2010