FotobusBus Transport

Yaroslavl region, Ikarus 280.33 # 384

  Yaroslavl regionAO "PATP-1 c.Yaroslavl"384Н 968 ВВ 7603.1999 
6947 ЯРМ198603.1999

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  March 1999    Change of state number (within the company)

202 KB

Yaroslavl region,  Ikarus 280.33  # 345 
Yaroslavl region,  Ikarus 280.33  # 381 
Yaroslavl region,  Ikarus 280.33  # 358 
Yaroslavl region,  Ikarus 280.33  # 329 
Yaroslavl region,  Ikarus 280.33  # 331 
Yaroslavl region,  Ikarus 280.33  # 328 
Yaroslavl regionMiscellaneous photos

Yaroslavl region, Ярославль, территория ПАТП-1

July 1998
Author: Земледелец

  1986    Arrived at the facility

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384 АВ 581 76 MAZ-104.031 (81 TsIB) YarPATP-1 10 2000
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384 С 725 РН 76 LiAZ-5256.53 YarPATP-1 24103 2011
384 Х 036 УН 76 PAZ-32053-110-07 Shest.f-l YarATP 881 2015 Парфеньево
384 Х 036 УН 76 PAZ-32053-110-07 Shest.f-l YarATP 881 2015
384 Х 036 УН 76 PAZ-32053-110-07 ShestATP 881 2015