FotobusBus Transport

Khanty-Mansi AO, Scania OmniLink I (Scania-St.Petersburg) # АХ 791 86

  Khanty-Mansi AOOOO "Inter-Traffic" | OOO "Traffic" АХ 791 8605.2009 
  Saint Petersburg"Balticstar", LLC207В 833 УЕ 7804.2003≈ 2006
В 657 ТВ 7801.200304.2003

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347 KB

Khanty-Mansi AO, Сургут, Аэрофлотская улица
Route 4

Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Author: Ипатов Юрий

323 KB

Khanty-Mansi AO, Сургут, улица Мелик-Карамова
Route 4

Friday, April 13, 2012
Author: Ипатов Юрий

275 KB

Khanty-Mansi AO, Сургут, проспект Ленина
Route 4

Monday, October 10, 2011
Author: Ипатов Юрий

244 KB

Khanty-Mansi AO,  LiAZ-5256.00  # 1141   —  route 1

Khanty-Mansi AO, Сургут, улица Мелик-Карамова
Route 4

Friday, August 13, 2010
Author: Александр Карпов


  about 2006 — May 2009    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

148 KB

Saint Petersburg, Невский проспект
Route К-147

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Author: Сергей Мурашов

154 KB

Saint Petersburg, Большой проспект В.О.
Route К-147

Saturday, April 15, 2006
Author: Александр Разумов

236 KB

Saint Petersburg, Невский проспект
Route К-147

Thursday, August 11, 2005
Author: avp23649

  April 2003    Change of state number (within the company)

244 KB

Saint Petersburg, Наличная улица
Route К-147

Thursday, January 2, 2003
Author: Александр Стаканов


  January 2003    Arrived at the facility

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