FotobusBus Transport

Finland, Lahti Scala # 170

  FinlandVäinö Paunu Oy170SBY-14811.2018 
Transdev Finland Oy21902.201511.2018
Veolia Transport Finland Oy01.200702.2015

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  November 2018    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

435 KB

Finland, Helsinki, Porkkalankatu
Route 21V

Thursday, April 27, 2017
Author: Alex_47


  February 2015    Renumbered (within the company)

299 KB

Finland, Helsinki, Lauttasaaren silta
Route 20

Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Author: Alex_47

243 KB

Finland, Vantaa, Lentoasemantie
Route 519

Saturday, August 13, 2011
Author: Роговиков Николай

114 KB

Finland, Helsinki, Asema-Aukio
Route 615

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Author: Ozzy


  January 2007    Arrived at the facility

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# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
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219 TIO-178 Ikarus EAG E94.13 STA 21 1998
170 RIZ-667 Ikarus EAG E94.13 Nobina Finland 59 1999
219 MYF-227 Carrus K204 City L Concordia Bus 8506 2000
170 OSZ-574 Carrus Vega Satakunnan 2629 2001
170 TYO-838 Ikarus EAG E94.03 Transdev Finland 78 2001
219 FFJ-812 Säffle 8500LE HelB 2002
219 OUO-201 Volvo 8700LE ML-Charter P050543 2005
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170 BPH-770 Volvo 9700H NG Pohjolan Matka 6473 2007
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219 YKO-612 Volvo 9700H NG Savonlinja 1234-4 2012
170 TZH-833 VDL Citea LLE-120.255 Kuopion 2014
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170 SOK-370 Volvo 8900BLE Länsilinjat 2020
219 FPA-568 Ford Transit Vekka Liikenne 76510 2023