FotobusBus Transport

Estonia, Ikarus 60 # 95

  EstoniaTallinna Autobussikoondis (Mustamäe filiaal)95РХ 12-9612.195807.1966

  July 1966    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  December 1958    Arrived at the facility

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# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
95 113 TBL Jonckheere Trans City Connex 17516 1981
95 113 TBL Jonckheere Trans City Liikor 17516 1981
95 966 TDS Scania CN113ALB SEBE Tallinn 1807 1990
95 966 TDS Scania CN113ALB Connex 1807 1990
95 542 AVZ Bova Futura FHD 12.**0 SEBE Tallinn 6666 1996