Bus Transport |
Rostov region, Hyundai County SWB C08 (RZGA) # СА 005 61
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Rostov region, Таганрог, конечная "Вокзал "Таганрог — 1" Route 8
Friday, September 16, 2016 Author: Pavlik
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Rostov region, Таганрог, конечная "Площадь Авиаторов" Route 13
Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Author: Pavlik
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↑ October 2015 Change of state number (within the company)
↑ May 2015 Renumbered (within the company)
↑ February 2015 Renumbered (within the company)
Rostov region, Ростов-на-Дону, конечная "Кинотеатр "Прибой" Route 38
Sunday, February 27, 2011 Author: 707
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↑ 2010 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ March 2008 Arrived at the facility
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Other vehicles with the same number:
# |
Plate |
Model |
Facility |
Ser.# |
Built |
Remarks |
436 |
СН 067 61 |
PAZ-4234 |
Regional |
947 |
2005 |
МУП "Родионово-Несветаевское ГПАТП" |
002297 |
КВ 137 61 |
Hyundai County SWB C08 (RZGA) |
RGATP-1 Rostov |
656 |
2007 |
Маршрут 40-МТ; Фото на другом сайте |
КВ 137 61 |
Hyundai County SWB C08 (RZGA) |
Donavtotrans |
656 |
2007 |
КВ 137 61 |
Hyundai County SWB C08 (RZGA) |
656 |
2007 |
КВ 137 61 |
Hyundai County SWB C08 (RZGA) |
RGATP-1 Taganrog |
109 |
2007 |
Гос. номер с другого автобуса |
КВ 137 61 |
Hyundai County SWB C08 (RZGA) |
RGATP-1 Taganrog |
389 |
2007 |
СА 005 61 |
Hyundai County SWB C08 (RZGA) |
RGATP-1 Taganrog |
389 |
2007 |
Гос. номер с другого автобуса |
002001 |
СА 005 61 |
Hyundai County SWB C08 (RZGA) |
RGATP-1 Rostov |
210 |
2007 |