FotobusBus Transport

Omsk region, GAZ-3240 (undefinite) # 162

  Omsk regionME PP-9 (Omsk city)162АЕ 675 5505.20032011
ME PATP-2 (Omsk city)559В 929 СМ 5504.200005.2003

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  2011    Withdrawn

231 KB

Omsk region, Омск, улица Гусарова
Route 201

Friday, March 18, 2011
Author: Man in Black

  May 2003    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  April 2000    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
559 86-73 ОМЩ LiAZ-677 ME PATP-2 1982
162 8303 ОМП Ikarus 256 Omskoblavtotrans 1985
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162 1899 ОМЛ Ikarus 256 Omskoblavtotrans 1985
162 В 979 ВЕ 55 Ikarus 256.54 Omskoblavtotrans 624 1987
162 А 569 ВМ 55 Ikarus 256.54 Omskoblavtotrans 624 1987
162 8303 ОМП Ikarus 256 Omskoblavtotrans 2287 1988
559 В 456 ТУ 55 PAZ-672M Omskoblavtotrans 5011 1989
559 2009 ОМП PAZ-672M Omskoblavtotrans 5011 1989
559 7265 ОМР LiAZ-677M ME PATP-2 183861 1991
162 А 710 ОС 55 Karosa B741.1916 PP-1 903 1996
162 А 005 ММ 55 GolAZ-AKA-6226 ME PATP-1 20 1996
162 АА 472 55 Karosa B841.1916 PP-1 996 1998
559 АМ 565 55 PAZ-32053 Dilizhans (Moskal.) 9743 2003
559 С 955 АС 55 PAZ-4230-03 PATP-2 515 2005
559 АС 025 55 PAZ-4230-03 PATP-2 515 2005
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