FotobusBus Transport

Chelyabinsk region, LiAZ-677M # 1425

  Chelyabinsk regionMP "Maggortrans"1425


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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
1425 АА 768 74 GAZ-322132 (XTH, X96) Chelyabinskiy avtobusnyy transport 78009 2003 Филиал №3
1425 АА 768 74 GAZ-322132 (XTH, X96) MUE Chelyabgortrans 78009 2003 Аренда у ООО "Второй автобусный парк"
1425 АК 490 74 LiAZ-5256.35 AO Transenergo (Snezhinsk) 18438 2007