Bus Transport |
Moscow region, MAN R14 Lion's Regio C ÜL314 C # 020140
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↑ February 2022 Renumbered (within the company)
Moscow region, Автодорога "Зарайск — Богатищево", Зарайский район Route 43
Thursday, May 24, 2018 Author: A G
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Moscow region, Котельники, Новорязанское шоссе Route 331к Озеры — м. Котельники
Sunday, September 24, 2017 Author: A G
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↑ September 2017 Renumbered (within the company)
Moscow region, Луховицы, улица Пушкина Route 999 Аэропорт Домодедово — Рязань
Saturday, July 29, 2017 Author: A G
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↑ July 2017 Renumbered (within the company)
↑ February 2017 Renumbered (within the company)
Moscow region, Руза, автостанция Route 455 Руза — Звенигород — Москва (а/с Тушинская)
Saturday, March 30, 2013 Author: AlexB
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Moscow region, Руза, Рузское ПАТП Route 455 Руза — Звенигород — Москва (а/с Тушинская)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011 Author: VDem
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↑ May 2011 Arrived at the facility
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Other vehicles with the same number:
# |
Plate |
Model |
Facility |
Ser.# |
Built |
Scrp. |
Remarks |
3114 |
АР 663 50 |
Ikarus 260.37 |
AK 1417 |
449 |
1988 |
01.2021 |
3114 |
У 639 НВ 50 |
Ikarus 260.37 |
AK 1417 |
449 |
1988 |
01.2021 |
3114 |
О 174 НЕ 50 |
Ikarus 260.37 |
AK 1417 |
449 |
1988 |
01.2021 |
3114 |
ЕО 822 50 |
LiAZ-5256.26-01 |
AK 1783 |
13544 |
2005 |
3114 |
ВМ 217 50 |
LiAZ-5256.26-01 |
AK 1783 |
13544 |
2005 |
3114 |
ЕА 783 50 |
Hyundai County SWB (all TagAZ buses) |
MAP #11 AK 1377 |
1339 |
2007 |
Аренда |
3114 |
ЕС 643 50 |
Samotlor-NN-323911 (MB Sprinter 515CDI) |
7 |
2008 |
3114 |
КВ 359 50 |
Hyundai Universe Space Luxury |
AK 1376 |
906995 |
2011 |
2023 |
3114 |
КВ 359 50 |
Hyundai Universe Space Luxury |
906995 |
2011 |
2023 |
3114 |
КВ 359 50 |
Hyundai Universe Space Luxury |
AK 1376 |
906995 |
2011 |
2023 |
3114 |
О 899 ТУ 777 |
Ford Transit FBD [RUS] (Z6F.ESG.) |
50973 |
2016 |
Субподряд |