FotobusBus Transport

Novosibirsk region, LAZ-695N # КЕ 312 54

  Novosibirsk regionOOO Diamant-1КЕ 312 54≈ 2008

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  about 2008    Withdrawn

232 KB

Novosibirsk region, Новосибирск, Новогодняя улица
Route 1250

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Author: gvp

352 KB

Novosibirsk region,  PAZ-32051-110  # КМ 008 54 

Novosibirsk region, Новосибирск, улица Сибиряков-Гвардейцев
Route 1250

Sunday, January 7, 2007
Author: gvp


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Other vehicles with the same number:

Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
КЕ 312 54 LAZ-695N Diamant-1 136804 1989