FotobusBus Transport

Yaroslavl region, Ikarus 256 # 251

  Yaroslavl regionGP YaO "Rybinskoe GPATP #3" (Closed)2516832 ЯРЛ01.1992 
OAO "PATP # 1"198501.1992


  January 1992    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  1985    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
251 16-26 ЯРК Ikarus 255 RybPATP-1 1975
251 Н 457 ВВ 76 LiAZ-677M YarPATP-1 174144 1989
251 9636 ЯРО LiAZ-677M YarPATP-1 174144 1989
251 АВ 986 76 PAZ-3205-110 RybPATP-1 3698 2002
251 ? ??? ?? 76 PAZ-3205-110 RybPATP-1 3698 2002
251 ВЕ 804 76 LiAZ-6212.00 YarPATP-1 899 2007
251 Р 207 ВН 76 ChA A09204 RybPATP-1 525 2011
251 С 092 АО 76 PAZ-320412-05 Rost.f-l YarATP 576 2014
251 С 092 АО 76 PAZ-320412-05 RostATP 576 2014