FotobusBus Transport

Tumen region, LAZ-699R # 212

  Tumen regionAO "Tobol'skoye PATP"212


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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
212 М 389 ВР 72 LAZ-695N ZAO PAT (Tyumen') 175085 1997
212 У 515 АА 72 PAZ-32051-110 AO Tyumenskoe PATP №1 4725 2000
212 АЕ 844 72 MAZ-103.469 AO Tyumenskoe PATP №1 5772 2013
212 Т 968 НК 72 MAZ-103.469 AO Tyumenskoe PATP №1 5772 2013
212 АВ 067 72 FOX-2250 AO Tobol'skoye PATP 24 2015