FotobusBus Transport

Czech Republic, Irizar PB 15-3,7 # 142

  Czech RepublicStudent Agency s.r.o.1427B7 614208.2011

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  Sent to other company (or to the factory)

362 KB

Czech Republic, Praha, Wilsonova
Route 000032 Praha — Vídeň

Friday, October 10, 2014
Author: Michal Isakov

256 KB


Sunday, September 21, 2014
Author: monochrome

317 KB

Czech Republic, Praha, Ústřední autobusové nádraží Florenc

Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Author: Ikarusnik

279 KB

Austria, Wien, Busstraße

Аэропорт Вена-Швехат

Monday, April 16, 2012
Author: alex26


  August 2011    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
142 Karosa ŠM11.1630 DP Ústi n/L 1969
142 PM 47-74 Karosa ŠM11.1630 DP Plzeň 1973
142 ULA 14-84 Karosa B731.00 DP Ústi n/L 1986
142 CE 32-08 Karosa B732.00 DP ČB 15438 1986
142 MOA 23-15 Karosa B731.40 DP Most 25706 1989
142 PUA 98-05 Karosa B931.1675.42 DP Pardubice 543 1997
142 3E4 2366 SOR BN 12 ZDS PSOTA 454 2007
142 6AL 2792 Setra S515HD UMBRELLA 118255 2015 Operating for Flixbus