Bus Transport |
Sverdlovsk region, PAZ-32053 # А 151 ЕО 196
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Sverdlovsk region, PAZ-32053 # У 476 МО 96 — route 5с (not on the route) Sverdlovsk region, PAZ-32053 # К 439 НТ 196 — route 5 (not on the route) Sverdlovsk region, PAZ-32054 # Р 205 КО 96 — route 5 (not on the route) Sverdlovsk region, PAZ-32053 # КА 268 66 — route 5с (not on the route) Sverdlovsk region, PAZ-32054 # А 890 ОМ 196 — route 5с (not on the route) Sverdlovsk region, PAZ-32053 # Х 684 АН 96 — route 5 (not on the route) Sverdlovsk region — Bus stations, finish stations and stops
Sverdlovsk region, Первоуральск, конечная "Железнодорожный вокзал" Route 5с (not on the route)
Thursday, January 30, 2020 Author: Иван Ревенков
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↑ August 2018 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ July 2014 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ May 2008 Arrived at the facility
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