FotobusBus Transport

Astana, MAN 895 NL202 # 5048

  AstanaLLP Avtobusnyy park #5 "BUS"5048Z 844 AON09.2014
LLP "Avtobusnyy park # 2"222809.2012

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296 KB

Astana, Улица Мирзояна
Route 16

Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Author: the.traveller


  September 2014    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

196 KB

Astana,  Mercedes-Benz O405  # 2202 
Astana,  Hyundai AeroCity 540  # 2118 
Astana,  Mercedes-Benz O405  # 2110 
Astana,  Castrosua CS.40 City 18  # 2076 
Astana,  MAN 791 SL202  # 2081 
Astana,  MAN 791 SL202  # 2101 
Astana,  Mercedes-Benz O303-15RHP  # Z 448 ZAM 
AstanaBus depot

Astana, Шоссе Алаш (Софиевское шоссе)

Частники автобусного парка № 2

Friday, September 7, 2012
Author: the.traveller

  September 2012    Renumbered (within the company)

144 KB

Astana, Шоссе Коргалжын
Route 44

Friday, August 17, 2012
Author: the.traveller


  December 2011    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
5048 Z 091 TDM MAN 791 SL202 AP5 BUS 1846 1992