FotobusBus Transport

Kemerovo region - Kuzbass, PAZ-3205-110 # 595

  Kemerovo region - KuzbassOAO "Kemerovskoe ATP-3" (Closed 31.07.2014)595С 311 ЕЕ 4204.199903.2005Сгорел на пожаре

  March 2005    Withdrawn

  April 1999    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
595 К 732 ЕВ 142 NefAZ-5299-20-32 KemATP-3 522 2010
595 К 732 ЕВ 142 NefAZ-5299-20-32 OAO "KTK" 522 2010
595 К 732 ЕВ 142 NefAZ-5299-20-32 AO KTK 522 2010
595 АО 789 42 NefAZ-5299-20-32 KemATP-3 522 2010
595 АО 851 42 NefAZ-5299-20-32 KemATP-3 522 2010