FotobusBus Transport

Moscow region, LiAZ-677M # 188

  Moscow regionMAP #12 Elektrostal'skoe PATP188ВК 706 5020052006
88О 076 НА 5019992005
1882356 МЕЦ19941999

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  2006    Withdrawn

209 KB

Moscow region, Ногинский район, Фрязево, конечная "Станция Фрязево"
Route 38

Monday, August 21, 2006
Author: Stanislav Dudnev


  2005    Change of state number (within the company)

  1999    Change of state number (within the company)

  1994    Arrived at the facility

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188 ВМ 531 50 Mercedes-Benz O345 Conecto H BrPATP 243115 2006
188 ЕС 841 50 GolAZ-622810-10 ChPATP 110 2013
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