ФотобусBus Transport

Kabardino-Balkaria, PAZ-3030 (Ford Transit) № М 381 МК 07

  Kabardino-BalkariaNal`chik - other commercial buses М 381 МК 0702.2024 
 С 419 УР 9305.201602.2024
  Krasnodar regionOOO "Avtolajn" 11.201405.2016
OOO "SochiTransExpress" 01.201111.2014
  Rostov regionJSC «ATP-5»312КВ 197 6109.200701.2011

  February 2024 г.    Change of state number (within the company)

  May 2016 г.    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  November 2014 г.    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  January 2011 г.    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  September 2007 г.    Кәсіпорынға түсті

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Осы нөмірге ие басқа көліктер:

Мем.№ Model Facility Зауыт.№ Built Remarks
312 АС 256 61 LiAZ-677M Donavtoservice(Volg.) 173840 1989 Фото на другом сайте
312 Р 198 ТК 161 ACEV LLC NPP 3 1995
312 К 304 АХ 61 ACEV LLC NPP 3 1995 ACEV Ramscol
312 В 461 УА 161 LiAZ-5292.60 RMPATP-2 4490 2014
312 В 461 УА 161 LiAZ-5292.60 RMPATP-6 4490 2014