FotobusBus Transport

Irkutsk region, Nizhegorodets-FST613 (FIAT Ducato) # В 710 ЕХ 138

  Irkutsk regionOOO "Kovcheg" | OOO "Polina"В 710 ЕХ 13809.2020  
  Omsk regionRoute taxi - other(Omsk city)Т 461 ВВ 55201409.2020 
  Ulyanovsk regionT. GoryunovaА 615 ТХ 7310.2012201478

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711 KB

Irkutsk region,  GAZ-A64R42 Next  # Х 764 ЕН 138   —  route 10т

Irkutsk region, Иркутск, конечная "Улица Маршала Конева"

Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Author: monochrome

811 KB

Irkutsk region,  Mercedes-Benz Sprinter (1992KP; NiAZ)  # Х 654 ВН 138
Irkutsk regionBus stops etc.

Irkutsk region, Иркутск, конечная "Улица Маршала Конева"
Route 10

Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Author: monochrome


  September 2020    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

332 KB

Omsk region, Омск, улица Бархатовой
Route 344

Thursday, August 16, 2018
Author: Алексей 55

693 KB

Omsk region, Омск, проспект Мира
Route 344

Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Author: Владислав Фоменко


  2014    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

488 KB

Ulyanovsk region, Ульяновск, проспект Созидателей
Route 78

Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Author: Сэм

303 KB

Ulyanovsk region, Ульяновск, улица Деева
Route 78

Monday, June 10, 2013
Author: Slavok


  October 2012    Arrived at the facility

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