FotobusBus Transport

Moscow region, 904.663 (Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 413CDI) # 3008

  Moscow regionKololyovskoe PATP3008ЕВ 195 5001.201204.2017
Avtokolonna #1375 Mytischi 03.200901.2012
 ВР 049 5003.200603.2009

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  April 2017    Withdrawn

352 KB

Moscow region, Королев, проспект Королева
Route 2 ком

Sunday, April 20, 2014
Author: A G


  January 2012    Renumbered (within the company)

180 KB

Moscow region, Мытищи, у автовокзала
Route 11 ком

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Author: Alwar

  March 2009    Change of state number (within the company)

227 KB

Moscow region, Мытищи, Новомытищинский проспект
Route 11 ком

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Author: Михаил (FanTrans)


  March 2006    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
3008 ВР 433 50 Haargaz 111 RamPATP 1984
3008 А 823 МВ 90 Haargaz 111 RamPATP 1984
3008 АВ 727 50 904.663 (Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 413CDI) MAP #11 AK 1377 19 2005
3008 ВХ 867 50 Samotlor-NN-323760 (MB Sprinter 413CDI) NFPATP 1510 2007
3008 ЕВ 984 50 LiAZ-6212.01 AK 1783 1050 2008
3008 Е 331 НМ 750 MAN R08 Lion's Coach L RHC444 L LuhATP 1548 2011
3008 АХ 358 50 MAN R08 Lion's Coach L RHC444 L LuhATP 1548 2011
3008 ЕУ 996 50 Luidor-22360C (MB Sprinter) OdPATP 5589 2014 Субподряд