FotobusBus Transport

Bryansk region, Nizhegorodets-222702 (Ford Transit) # О 092 АН 32

  Bryansk regionKlintsy, others О 092 АН 322020  
 Н 017 ВУ 3212.20162020 
  MoscowGEPART Ltd.040ВУ 825 7720152016406м
OOO "20th taxi park" (closed)09105.20082015373м

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  2020    Change of state number (within the company)

  2016 — December 2016    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  2015    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

478 KB

Moscow,  LiAZ-5292.00  # 07422   —  route 637

Moscow, Улица Хачатуряна / улица Декабристов
Route 609м

Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Author: Лев Лёвочкин

284 KB

Moscow, Проезд Дежнёва
Route 609м

Saturday, April 21, 2012
Author: Михаил (FanTrans)

245 KB

Moscow, Улица Менжинского
Route 111

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Author: Артем Ковалевский


  May 2008    Arrived at the facility

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040 ВН 479 77 Samotlor-NN-3236 (Ford Transit) GEPART 1177 2006
091 ВХ 438 77 Samotlor-NN-3236 (Ford Transit) GEPART 1404 2007 535м
091 ВН 534 77 Samotlor-NN-3236 (Ford Transit) GEPART 1404 2007 154м
091 ЕЕ 102 77 GAZ-322132 (XTH, X96) Transroud 595790 2008
040 ЕЕ 580 77 Real Avto-pr / Stroyt 250 2008 340м
091 ВС 554 77 GAZ-322132 (XTH, X96) Transroud 595790 2008 274м