FotobusBus Transport

Irkutsk region, Hyundai AeroExpress HSX # А 359 КО 138

  Irkutsk regionIP Teleshev S.M.А 359 КО 13806.2022  
  MoscowOther service busesХ 188 МУ 19705.201102.2021ФГБУ "СЛО "Россия"
FGBU "Autobaza #2"В 713 ОО 7709.200604.2011 
FGBU "Autotransportny kombinat"С 038 ОО 7705.200609.2006 

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930 KB

Irkutsk region,  Hyundai County  # К 091 ХХ 38  —  route 437 (not on the route)
Irkutsk region,  LiAZ-5256.26-01  # Е 215 ВН 138  —  route 422 (not on the route)

Irkutsk region, Иркутск, улица Софьи Перовской
Route 420

Wednesday, January 4, 2023
Author: monochrome


  February 2021 — June 2022    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

773 KB

Irkutsk region,  Kia Granbird  # Н 400 РМ 38

Irkutsk region, Иркутский район, рабочий посёлок Большая Речка, улица Лытина

Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Author: monochrome

879 KB

Irkutsk region,  Kia Granbird  # Н 400 РМ 38

Irkutsk region, Иркутский район, рабочий посёлок Большая Речка, улица Лытина

Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Author: monochrome


  April 2011 — May 2011    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  September 2006    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  May 2006    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
В 713 ОО 77 LAZ-695N Autobaza #2 141943 1989