FotobusBus Transport

Romania, Berkhof Jonckheer # 811

  RomaniaS.C. Unistil S.R.L.811IS 10 KUU10.2015  
  NetherlandsHTM Personenvervoer NV408BL-FV-3610.201401.2015 
GVB NV24907.200112.2011Schiphol Sternet

  January 2015 — October 2015    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  December 2011 — October 2014    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  July 2001    Arrived at the facility

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811 Škoda 706 RTO STB (general)
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249 BJ-88-RG Van Hool T815 Alizée De Jong Tours 14349 1984
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408 VJ-74-PJ Berkhof Europa 2000 Duvedec GVB 310-03 1990
811 B 07 KGJ Castrosua CS.40 STB (Pipera) 1995
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249 BS-DJ-28 Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro facelift RET 600496 2006
408 BV-GG-14 Volvo 8700LE Qbuzz P083600 2008
408 BV-TH-96 VDL Berkhof Axial 70 AMZ 2009 Topdeck
811 CJ 16 JBB Solaris Urbino III 18 CTP Cluj-Napoca 14277 2014
811 CJ 017671 Solaris Urbino III 18 CTP Cluj-Napoca 14277 2014
811 BV 18 FIK Menarinibus Citymood 18 RATBV (Hărmanului) 30339 2019