FotobusBus Transport

Yaroslavl region, Ikarus 260 # 333

  Yaroslavl regionAO "PATP-1 c.Yaroslavl"33356-10 ЯРП


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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
333 60-89 ЯРУ PAZ-3201 RybPATP-1 1981
333 АВ 055 76 Ikarus 280.03 YarPATP-1 530 1988
333 АА 127 76 Ikarus 280.03 YarPATP-1 530 1988
333 8713 ЯРР Ikarus 280.03 YarPATP-1 530 1988 Ex Germany.
333 Р 291 ВВ 76 Ikarus 280.03 YarPATP-1 530 1988
333 Н 203 ВВ 76 PAZ-3205-110 RybGPATP-3 7613 1998
333 АК 628 76 PAZ-4234 Rost.f-l YarATP 1839 2006
333 АК 628 76 PAZ-4234 RostATP 1839 2006