FotobusBus Transport

Brandenburg, Ikarus 620 # 517

  BrandenburgHavelbus Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH517DS 23-50


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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
517 Ikarus 66 VBBr VEB Kraftverkehr Brandenburg
517 P-AV 517 Ikarus 280.03 Havelbus 308 07.1990
517 DTH 7-62 Ikarus 280.03 Havelbus 308 07.1990
517 BRB-VK 67 Mercedes-Benz O405N VBBr 69171 1992
517 UM-LS 517 Mercedes-Benz O530LE Citaro facelift LE UVG Schwedt 111099 2006