FotobusBus Transport

North Rhine-Westphalia, Mercedes-Benz O405GN2 # LIP-KK 247

  North Rhine-WestphaliaKarl Köhne Omnibusbetriebe GmbH LIP-KK 24707.201112.2013
Verkehrsbetriebe Minden-Ravensberg GmbH ✝190HF-AF 64712.19952011

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  December 2013    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

331 KB

North Rhine-Westphalia, Rinteln, Bahnhof

Pause am Bahnhof

Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Author: Neoplanliebhaber


  2011 — July 2011    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

150 KB

North Rhine-Westphalia, Bischofshagen, Heimatmuseum
Route 431

Author: busdriver1

253 KB

North Rhine-Westphalia, Vlotho, Bahnhof
Route 433

Saturday, January 27, 2001
Author: busdriver1


  December 1995    Arrived at the facility

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