Samara region, PAZ-32054 # ЕА 635 63
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Samara region, Сызрань, автобусная станция "Железнодорожный вокзал "Сызрань-1" Route 28 (not on the route)
Saturday, August 26, 2023 Author: A G
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↑ 2021 — June 2021 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ April 2019 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
Bashkortostan, Уфа, конечная "Микрорайон "Белореченский" Route 269
Saturday, June 4, 2016 Author: Archi
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↑ August 2011 Arrived at the facility
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Other vehicles with the same number:
# |
Plate |
Model |
Facility |
Ser.# |
Built |
Remarks |
26 |
ВС 626 02 |
PAZ-3205 (00) |
3614 |
1996 |
26 |
ЕЕ 600 02 |
Nizhegorodets-222702 (Ford Transit) |
Alliance-SKD |
2231 |
2008 |
26 |
ЕК 140 02 |
NefAZ-5299-10-32 |
182 |
2008 |
26 |
ЕМ 453 02 |
223614 (Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 413CDI) |
NefPATP 2 |
15 |
2008 |
26 |
ЕК 742 02 |
PAZ-32054 |
IP Batyrov |
7956 |
2008 |
26 |
О 611 АХ 102 |
Nizhegorodets-222700 (Ford Transit) |
Minasov K. Z. |
4712 |
2011 |
26 |
О 422 ЕА 102 |
GAZ-322130 (XTH, X96) |
Minasov K. Z. |
744020 |
2012 |
26 |
К 372 АТ 702 |
NefAZ-5299-17-52 |
6507 |
2022 |
ЕА 635 63 |
PAZ-3205 (00) |
Syzran district: oth |
734 |
1997 |
28 |
ЕА 635 63 |
PAZ-32054 |
IP Ahmerov R.R. |
8492 |
2004 |