FotobusBus Transport

Stavropol region, LiAZ-677M # 40

  Stavropol regionStavropolskoye PATP 1404394 ССЧ01.19922004

  2004    Withdrawn

  January 1992    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
40 У 149 МЕ 26 Setra S215HD AK 1564 31002 1984 Юг-транс
40 СЕ 055 26 Setra S215HD AK 1564 31002 1984 Юг-транс
40 С 769 ТМ 26 Setra S215HD AK 1564 31002 1984
40 8172 ССН LiAZ-677M SPATP-1 138466 1985
40 7092 ССН Ikarus 280.33 NPATP 1985
40 Н 526 ЕВ 126 Lotos-105C02 Kraytrans 488 2023 1, ранее 36, 37