ФотобусАвтобустар галереясы

Netherlands, Mercedes-Benz Tourismo II 15RHD № 150

  NetherlandsPeereboom Touringcars15092-BDR-301.201507.2015 
Other charter buses 10.201401.2015ITS-reizen.nl
Doelen Coach Service 03.201410.2014 

  Шілде 2015 ж.    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  Қантар 2015 ж.    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  Казан 2014 ж.    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  Наурыз 2014 ж.    Кәсіпорынға түсті

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Осы нөмірге ие басқа көліктер:

Мем.№ Model Facility Зауыт.№ Built Remarks
150 VR-41-DF Jonckheere Jubilee P599 Bovo Tours 22275 1992
150 VR-39-DF Mercedes-Benz O405G Arriva 68152 01.1992
150 VR-39-DF Mercedes-Benz O405G GVG 68152 01.1992
150 BG-SR-69 Berkhof Jonckheer GVB 10161-06 1998
150 BH-PG-53 Den Oudsten Alliance City B96 HTM 11539 1999
150 BJ-ZR-21 Ferqui Sunrise Different cities 12.2000 Winnemuller (Herveld)
150 BL-SZ-54 Jonckheere Arrow Ringelberg 2002
150 98-BGP-7 Van Hool TD927 Astromega Ringelberg 54044 2011