FotobusBus Transport

Jewish autonomous region, Daewoo BS106 Royal City (Busan) # М 013 КХ 125

  Jewish autonomous regionIE Slobodchuk Oleg Andreevich | Slobodchuk Irina DavydovnaМ 013 КХ 12501.2021 ИП Слободчук И. Д., маршрут 3
LLC "Avtotrans"04.202001.2021ИП Слободчук И. Д., маршрут 3
IE Slobodchuk Oleg Andreevich | Slobodchuk Irina Davydovna04.202004.2020ИП Слободчук И. Д., не эксплуатировался
  Primorskiy regionOOO Magistral02.201404.2016 

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  January 2021    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  April 2020    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  April 2016 — April 2020    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

272 KB

Primorskiy region, Артём, конечная станция "Центр"
Route 101

Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Author: DVkor

306 KB

Primorskiy region, Артём, Кооперативная улица
Route 101

Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Author: DVkor

221 KB

Primorskiy region, Артём, конечная станция "Центр"
Route 101

Thursday, March 20, 2014
Author: Максим88


  February 2014    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Remarks
5463 М 013 КХ 125 Daewoo BC211M Royal Hi-City Ermilova | Highway (Hub.) Передан в Биробиджан ООО Автотранс Маршрут 3Б