FotobusBus Transport

Kemerovo region - Kuzbass, PAZ-672M # 829

  Kemerovo region - KuzbassOOO "Vahrushevskya avtobaza"82930-71 КЕШ


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# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
829 С 127 АН 142 PAZ-4234 IE Kemerovo 1667 2006 ЧП Кошман А.М.
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829 К 006 ЕМ 142 PAZ-4234 IE Kemerovo 694 2014 ИП Попова И.Б.
829 АУ 261 42 NefAZ-5299-11-52 LenKuz AK, BelGPATP 3602 2021