Poltava region, Säffle # BA 6252 AA
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↑ November 2012 Withdrawn
Poltava region, Säffle # BA 6256 AA Poltava region, Säffle # BA 6248 AA Poltava region, Säffle (Poltava-Automash) # 013-73 СК Poltava region, Säffle # 112-37 СН Poltava region, DAB # BI 2581 AA Poltava region — Poltava — a bus JV «UMAK»
Poltava region, Полтава, улица Кагамлыка, 37а
Спустя 2 месяца после отстранения СП "УМАК" от работы на маршрутах
Wednesday, August 24, 2011 Author: LAEN
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Interior, view to back
Saturday, June 26, 2010 Author: LAEN
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Poltava region, Полтава, конечная остановка "Героев Сталинграда" Route 21
Monday, March 8, 2010 Author: LAEN
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Poltava region, Полтава, улица 1100-летия Полтавы Route 21
Saturday, January 17, 2009 Author: LAEN
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↑ ???? Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ December 2003 — January 2005 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ January 1990 Renumbered (within the company)
↑ August 1988 Arrived at the facility
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