Hungary, Ikarus 280.49 # 52-68
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Hungary, Budapest, Vidámvásár utca Route Különjárat / Special service
Saturday, March 27, 2021 Author: BVhmot200
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↑ 2014 Change of state number (within the company)
↑ 2013 Change of state number (within the company)
Hungary, Ikarus 280 (Borsod Volán) # JOB-713 Czech Republic, Ikarus 256.55A # 2S8 3000 Hungary, Ikarus 255.70 # (BPS-078) Hungary, Ikarus 256.54 # LPZ-190 Hungary — V. Nemzetközi Ikarus, Csepel és Veteránjármű Találkozó, Polgár (2012)
Hungary, Polgár, M3 Archeopark
Saturday, September 15, 2012 Author: ikarusbus
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↑ March 2009 — 2012 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
Hungary, Pécel, Ráday Gedeon tér Route 69
Friday, June 16, 2006 Author: Grimbusz
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↑ October 1999 Renumbered (within the company)
↑ April 1986 Arrived at the facility
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