FotobusBus Transport

Hungary, Ikarus 435.21B # 133

  HungaryMiskolci Városi Közlekedési Zrt.133HER-13303.200008.2014

  August 2014    Withdrawn

  March 2000    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
133 Bp 17-133 (other models) BKV Zrt.
133 GF 133 Rába DS BKV Zrt. 3730 1940
133 BPV-059 Ikarus 280.47 Tüke Busz Zrt. 3924 1985
133 CLH-607 Ikarus 260.06 Balaton Volán 1033 1987
133 KGR-243 Mercedes-Benz O345 Conecto G Tüke Busz Zrt. 242365 2006