FotobusBus Transport

Yaroslavl region, MAZ-206.085 # 483

  Yaroslavl regionOOO "AVTOMIG" (Yaroslavl) (Closed)483У 027 РУ 16312.20212022
  Samara regionSamara Avto Gaz, LLC5911.201412.2021

Secondary photos (1): hide / show
Conditional photos (1): hide / show
Technical photos (0): hide / show

421 KB

Yaroslavl region,  LiAZ-4292.60 (1-2-1)  # 468 
Yaroslavl region,  LiAZ-4292.60 (1-2-1)  # 466 
Yaroslavl region,  PAZ-320412-04 "Vector"  # 470 
Yaroslavl region,  PAZ-320412-04 "Vector"  # 421 
Yaroslavl region,  Lotos-105C02  # 81 
Yaroslavl region,  PAZ-320435-04 "Vector Next"  # 71 

Yaroslavl region, Ярославль, территория Ярославского АТП

Saturday, March 18, 2023
Author: Ahtung_23

503 KB

Yaroslavl region, Ярославль, Советская улица
Route 2

Маршруты № 2 и 92 с 05.12.2021 переданы для обслуживания ООО "АВТОМИГ".

Sunday, December 5, 2021
Author: Макс И


  December 2021    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

337 KB

Samara region, Самара, Спортивная улица
Route 67

Thursday, September 10, 2015
Author: Pravilov

300 KB

Samara region, Самара, Московское шоссе
Route 67

Monday, May 4, 2015
Author: Pro-man

289 KB

Manufacturer placard / VIN

Sunday, March 15, 2015
Author: Pro-man


  November 2014    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
483 А 783 ЕЕ 76 MAZ-104.031 (81 TsIB) YarPATP-1 7 2000