FotobusBus Transport

Hungary, Ikarus 435.06 # 11-24

  HungaryBudapesti Közlekedési Zrt.11-24BPI-12404.199911.2014
86-58BU 86-5810.199404.1999

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  November 2014    Withdrawn

250 KB

Hungary, Budapest
Route 9

Friday, January 6, 2012
Author: пассат

241 KB

Hungary,  Ikarus 260.46  # 01-66   —  route 98

Hungary, Budapest, Kőbánya-Kispest vá.
Route 202E

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Author: 266-60

  April 1999    Renumbered (within the company)

  October 1994    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
11-24 GA 11-24 Ikarus 66.5 BKV Zrt. 262 1960
86-58 GA 86-58 Ikarus 180.71 BKV Zrt. 6 1967
11-24 BU 11-24 Ikarus 260.00 BKV Zrt. 2929 1974
11-24 GE 11-24 Ikarus 280.00 BKV Zrt. 2665 1981
86-58 BU 86-58 Ikarus 280.00 BKV Zrt. 1172 1983