FotobusBus Transport

Lithuania, MAN A21 NL313 # JUB 293

  LithuaniaMeteorit Turas, UAB [Visaginas] JUB 293≈ 08.201808.2021 
Meteorit Turas, UAB [Vilnius]932609.2017≈ 08.201869 маршрут
Meteorit Turas, UAB [Visaginas] 07.201709.2017 
  HamburgSüderelbe Bus GmbH ✝8260HH-SE 159510.200504.2017 
  HesseFulda Bus GmbH ✝60200410.2005Leihwagen
  HamburgSüderelbe Bus GmbH ✝05.20022004 

Secondary photos (1): hide / show
Conditional photos (3): hide / show
Technical photos (0): hide / show

  August 2021    Withdrawn

446 KB

Lithuania, Visaginas, Parko gatvė
Route 8

Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Author: rytis001

601 KB

Lithuania, Visaginas, geležinkelio stotis
Route 8

Monday, August 26, 2019
Author: Aleksandr1


  about August 2018    Renumbered (within the company)

490 KB

Lithuania, Vilnius, Geležinio Vilko gatvė
Route 49

Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Author: rvr

481 KB

Lithuania, Vilnius, T. Narbuto gatvė
Route 49

Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Author: rvr

413 KB

Lithuania, Vilnius, Lukiškių gatvė
Route 40

Последний день перевозчика на 40 маршруте

Friday, April 27, 2018
Author: Mettal

384 KB

Lithuania, Vilnius, Fabijoniškės (st. Kaimelio žiedas)
Route 40 (pause)

Thursday, January 18, 2018
Author: rytis001

461 KB

Lithuania,  Mercedes-Benz O405G  # 472   —  route 3G (pause)

Lithuania, Vilnius, Fabijoniškės (st. Kaimelio žiedas)
Route 40 (pause)

Thursday, January 18, 2018
Author: rytis001

493 KB

Lithuania,  MAN A23 NG313 CNG  # 880 
Lithuania,  MAN A23 NG313  # 4011 

Lithuania, Vilnius, Fabijoniškės (st. Kaimelio žiedas)
Route 40 (pause)

Дневной отстой пикового графика 40-ого маршрута

Monday, January 8, 2018
Author: sSnaiperis

344 KB

Lithuania, Vilnius, Fabijoniškės (st. Kaimelio žiedas)
Route 40 (pause)

Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Author: Mettal

342 KB

Lithuania, Vilnius, Žalgirio gatvė
Route 69

Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Author: rvr

236 KB

Lithuania,  MAN A21 NL263  # 9328   —  route 69 (pause)

Lithuania, Vilnius, Ateities gatvė (Ateities st.)

Первый день на линии

Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Author: aRa

348 KB

Lithuania, Vilnius, Žalgirio gatvė
Route 69

Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Author: rvr

346 KB

Lithuania, Vilnius, Baltupio gatvė
Route 69

Первый день на линии

Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Author: aRa


  September 2017    Renumbered (within the company)

  April 2017 — July 2017    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

347 KB

Hamburg, Altona, Paul-Nevermann-Platz, Bahnhof Altona
Route 250


Thursday, July 23, 2015
Author: 9122_DA

322 KB

Hamburg, Altona, Paul-Nevermann-Platz, Bahnhof Altona
Route 250


Thursday, July 23, 2015
Author: 9122_DA

284 KB

Interior, view to back

Thursday, July 23, 2015
Author: LinieO

343 KB

Manufacturer placard / VIN

Thursday, July 23, 2015
Author: 9122_DA


  October 2005    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

386 KB

Hesse, Fulda

Als Leihwagen bei der FBG Fulda Bus Gesellschaft

December 2004
Author: beffan


  2004    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  May 2002    Arrived at the facility

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60 OF-V 3060 MAN A23 Lion's City G NG323 OVB Offenbach 8858 2018
60 WI-VG 1060 Mercedes-Benz Citaro C2 ESWE 609610 2018