FotobusBus Transport

Omsk region, Ikarus 280 # 2253

  Omsk regionPATP-10 (Omsk city)22536984 ОМА06.1989≈ 1995
ME PATP-1 (Omsk city)213198406.1989

  about 1995    Withdrawn

  June 1989    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  1984    Arrived at the facility

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# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
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213 9616 ОМР LiAZ-677B ME PATP-1 185528 1991
213 0901 ОМУ Ikarus 260.50 PP-1 1520 1993
2253 В 302 СС 55 Karosa B841.1916 PATP-10 957 1998
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213 С 881 ОЕ 55 NefAZ-5299-20-15 PP-1 1474 2005
213 АР 502 55 NefAZ-5299-20-15 PP-1 1474 2005
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