FotobusBus Transport

Hungary, Ikarus 60 # 221

  HungaryMiskolci Városi Közlekedési Zrt.221GK 22119561958

  1958    Renumbered (within the company)

  1956    Arrived at the facility

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# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
221 GF 221 MÁVAG N26 BKV Zrt. 15312 1943
221 I 24AB 24 Ikarus 280.02 Other pres. buses 685 1989
221 CKE-352 Ikarus 280.02 Balaton Volán 685 1989
221 P-04619 20 Ikarus 280.02 Other pres. buses 685 1989
221 P-01585 22 Ikarus 280.02 Other pres. buses 685 1989