FotobusBus Transport

Lower Saxony, Steyr SL12 HUA*** # 977

  Lower SaxonyVerkehrsbetriebe Bachstein GmbH (VB Bachstein)977WOB-OW 97703.20132014
Kraftverkehr Celle Stadt und Land GmbH (KVC)67CE-DP 86711.199703.2013

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  2014    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  March 2013    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

407 KB

Lower Saxony, Celle, Schlossplatz
Route 7-75

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Author: straightcelle

228 KB

Lower Saxony, Eicklingen, Braunschweiger Straße


Monday, April 23, 2012
Author: straightcelle


  November 1997    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
67 OL-AA 67 Mercedes-Benz O408 DHE Harpstedt
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67 CE-DP 867 MAN 193 SÜ240 KVC Celle 234 1975
67 CE-DP 967 MAN 192 SL200 CSC Celle ✝ 2633 1979
977 WOB-AX 77 MAN 192 SL200 WVG 3044 1979
67 ROW-E 3267 Setra S215UL EVB Zeven 18849 1989
977 WOB-AX 77 MAN 793 SG242 WVG 278 1989
67 ROW-C 6067 Setra S215UL EVB Zeven 18849 1989
67 HM-TL 67 MAN 793 SG292 KVG Hameln ✝ 351 1990
977 H-S 3616 Mercedes-Benz O405N2 [BusGruppe] VB Bachstein 87834 1997
67 LG-KS 167 MAN A01 ÜL313 [BusGruppe] VOG 607 1999
67 CE-KC 67 Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro CSC Celle ✝ 93341 1999
67 H-FE 95 MAN A20 NÜ313 Enders 1057 2002
67 EL-J 667 MAN A23 NG313 Levelink 1327 2003
67 HO-Y 267 Mercedes-Benz O530LEMÜ Citaro facelift LE MÜ [BusGruppe] VB Bachstein 111604 2006
977 LG-KV 977 Mercedes-Benz O530G Citaro facelift G [BusGruppe] KVG Stade 116707 2008
67 ROW-EV 167 Volvo 8700LE EVB Zeven 2010
67 DEL-BU 67 MAN A21 Lion's City NL283 Delbus 7622 2011
67 ROW-EV 167 Volvo 8700LE [EVB] OvA 2011
67 GÖ-J 3367 Mercedes-Benz Citaro C2 GöVB Göttingen 2014
67 WL-GR 2067 MAN A78 Lion's City LE EL293 [Neubauer] Globetrotter 1825 2016
67 WL-GR 1067 MAN A78 Lion's City LE EL293 [Neubauer] Globetrotter 1825 2016