Arkhangelsk region, PAZ-32054 # С 542 СР 29
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↑ February 2016 Withdrawn
↑ September 2013 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
Arkhangelsk region, PAZ-32054 # Н 838 УН 29 — route 4 (not on the route) Arkhangelsk region, PAZ-32054 # В 574 ХВ 29 — route 10к (not on the route) Arkhangelsk region, PAZ-4234 # АС 522 29 — route 33 (not on the route) Arkhangelsk region, PAZ-32054 # К 371 НН 29 — route т104 Архангельск — Малые Карелы (not on the route) Arkhangelsk region, PAZ-32054 # К 368 НС 29 — route 64 (not on the route) Arkhangelsk region, PAZ-32054 # К 648 ЕР 29 — route 10к (not on the route) Arkhangelsk region — Bus stations & terminals
Arkhangelsk region, Архангельск, конечная остановка "Железнодорожный вокзал" Route 64 (not on the route)
Saturday, August 25, 2012 Author: EGOR29
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↑ April 2003 Arrived at the facility
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