FotobusBus Transport

Stavropol region, Ikarus 250.12 # 65

  Stavropol regionAutokolonna 15646587-36 ССЛ08.198011.1984Из Москвы ПАПМС
  MoscowATP MP "Sovavto-Moskva-2" 01-32 ММА197508.1980 

  November 1984    Withdrawn

  August 1980    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  1975    Arrived at the facility

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# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
65 У 881 СУ 26 Noge Xaloc AK 1564
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65 СЕ 364 26 Noge Xaloc AK 1564
65 82-94 ССН LiAZ-677 NPATP 1980
65 2757 ССУ LiAZ-677M SPATP-1 160923 1987
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