FotobusBus Transport

Stavropol region, Ikarus 256.54 # 16

  Stavropol regionAutokolonna 1564160373 ССО08.1985


  August 1985    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
16 53-44 ССВ LiAZ-677 NPATP 1975
16 32-09 ССР LiAZ-677M NPATP 120553 1983
16 0651 ССН LiAZ-677M SPATP-1 132217 1984
16 Т 016 ТР 26 Setra S215HD (Spain) AK 1564 551 1986
16 СК 105 26 Setra S215HD (Spain) AK 1564 551 1986
16 СЕ 685 26 Setra S215HD (Spain) AK 1564 551 1986
16 О 965 ЕС 126 Hyundai AeroExpress AK 1564 2005 2002
16 Х 155 МТ 93 Hyundai AeroExpress AK 1564 2005 2002
16 Н 253 КХ 126 Neoplan PB1 N1122/3C Skyliner C Stav.Evrotrans 31 2003
16 У 111 ТС 26 Neoplan PB1 N1122/3C Skyliner C Stav.Evrotrans 31 2003
16 А 699 РР 126 MAZ-103.465 Kraytrans 3573 2008 Не эксплуатировался
16 СК 600 26 MAZ-103.465 MUAP Stav. 3573 2008
16 А 699 РР 126 MAZ-103.465 Kraytrans 3573 2008
16 А 699 РР 126 MAZ-103.465 AutoAlliance 3573 2008
16 Н 534 ЕВ 126 Lotos-105C02 Kraytrans 450 2023